Share the Road

Sailing to me is a little bit like being one of those smiling drivers who for joy go around our island in antique cars. He is not keeping up with the faster traffic, so drivers in younger cars [...]

A Salty Corner

There is a pretty spot along the Edgartown waterfront that could be named “Salty Mechanic’s Corner.” I’ve noticed a more than usual number of boat mechanics working away [...]

Autumn Sailing

For many who love to take the helm of a sailboat, autumn is an especially wonderful time to ‘mess around in boats.’ There are days in September and October, and even a couple of days in [...]

Popcorn Thunderstorms

Thunderstorms are coloring the start of our summer. We can not remember a year when there have been more of them. Usually storms move across New England lose their strength or dissipate [...]

New in this World of Blog

We might have waited another year to come up to say “hello.” Another year would have made it so much easier. Our research would have been done, the homework completed. The pencils we [...]

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