Photographer’s Biography
Mark Alan Lovewell, 66, has been a professional photographer and writer on Martha’s Vineyard for 40 years. He has worked for a number of different publications and organizations, including the Vineyard Gazette since 1978. As a young photographer, he was greatly influenced by the large format black and white photography of Ansel Adams, Paul Strand, and Edward Weston. Later he got to be friends with Alfred Eisenstaedt of Life Magazine.
Years ago, the New England Outdoor Writers Association gave a number of first place awards to this photographer. In their 1997 spring newsletter, they wrote, “Vineyard Gazette reporter, photographer, and fishing columnist, Mark Lovewell showed us just how beautiful black and white can be. Mark won first place in Scenic, Action and Fauna categories, a second in Scenic and third in Fauna in the Black and White Division!”
In the spring of 2002, Mark was featured in the magazine Vineyard Style. Editor John Budris wrote an extensive piece on Mark, his work, and photography. In February 2007, Mr. Lovewell received a second place general news award from the New England Newspaper Association. His photographs have appeared in numerous publications, including the Boston Globe, Smithsonian, and The New York Times. He has also photographed and met two presidents and three Massachusetts governors up close.
It is work, but if you ask him, Mark will answer, “It is also a lot of fun.”
List of Publications
- Vineyard Gazette and sister publications Martha’s Vineyard Magazine and Best Read Guide
- Baltimore Sun – Summer 2006
- Cover of Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation 2006 and 2004. Included photo essay.
- Baltimore Sun – Summer 2005
- Nature Conservancy Magazine – Spring 2004. Photo portrait of David Smith.
- Sea History, a publication of the National Maritime Historical Society – Autumn 2003. Photographs and article about woodcarver Joseph Uranker.
- Vineyard Style – Spring 2002
- Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation 2002 Annual Report. Cover photograph and pictures inside.
- People Magazine.
- New York Times. Photographs & writing.
- Washington Post – July 8, 2004. Photographs.
- Hasselblad Forum
- La Fotografia, an Italian photography magazine. Article and photographs.
- New York Graphic Society – 1997. A poster of Comet Hale-Bopp at East Chop.
- Le Monde
- Reading the Water, Adventures in Surfishing On Martha’s Vineyard, book by Robert Post. Published by The Globe Pequot Press, 1988. Principal photographer of profiled fishermen. Book published again in 2004 by Lyons Press.
- Ocean Planet, Writings and Images of the Sea, by Peter Benchley. Published Harry N. Abrams, Inc. and Times Mirror Magazines, Inc. in association with the Smithsonian Institution, 1995. Photograph on Georges Bank, page 78-79.
- Children of Native America Today, by Yvonne Wakim Dennis & Arlene Hirschfelder. Published by Charlesbridge, Watertown, MA, 2003. Page 11, photograph of children picking cranberries.
- Better Homes and Gardens – July 1981. Page 131.
List of Publications
- Vineyard Gazette and sister publications Martha’s Vineyard Magazine and Best Read Guide
- Baltimore Sun – Summer 2006
- Cover of Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation 2006 and 2004. Included photo essay.
- Baltimore Sun – Summer 2005
- Nature Conservancy Magazine – Spring 2004. Photo portrait of David Smith.
- Sea History, a publication of the National Maritime Historical Society – Autumn 2003. Photographs and article about woodcarver Joseph Uranker.
- Vineyard Style – Spring 2002
- Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation 2002 Annual Report. Cover photograph and pictures inside.
- People Magazine.
- New York Times. Photographs & writing.
- Washington Post – July 8, 2004. Photographs.
- Hasselblad Forum
- La Fotografia, an Italian photography magazine. Article and photographs.
- New York Graphic Society – 1997. A poster of Comet Hale-Bopp at East Chop.
- Le Monde
- Reading the Water, Adventures in Surfishing On Martha’s Vineyard, book by Robert Post. Published by The Globe Pequot Press, 1988. Principal photographer of profiled fishermen. Book published again in 2004 by Lyons Press.
- Ocean Planet, Writings and Images of the Sea, by Peter Benchley. Published Harry N. Abrams, Inc. and Times Mirror Magazines, Inc. in association with the Smithsonian Institution, 1995. Photograph on Georges Bank, page 78-79.
- Children of Native America Today, by Yvonne Wakim Dennis & Arlene Hirschfelder. Published by Charlesbridge, Watertown, MA, 2003. Page 11, photograph of children picking cranberries.
- Better Homes and Gardens – July 1981. Page 131.